Universal Gospel Emmy Kosgei – Kaswech

Emmy Kosgei – Kaswech

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The renowned and award-winning gospel artist , comes through with a song called “Kaswech“, and was released in 2018. This amazing and inspiring track is a must listen for any music lover. With its message and captivating melody, “Kaswech” is an addition to any playlist. Whether you want to download the mp3 watch the video or sing along with the lyrics, “Kaswech” is undeniably a song that will deeply touch the hearts of everyone who encounters it.

Get the MP3 audio, download, stream, and share this amazing song with your friends and family. When you share it, you’re spreading the goodness and joy of the song. #CeeNaija


Download More EMMY KOSGEI Songs Here

Lyrics: Kaswech by


Kaswech,Jehovah kasweech, kasweech kasweech sautik
Ye kiguurin eng’ kayanet, igaswech sautik cho

Verse 1:

Mi sigik che rirchinin baba, che rirchinin amu lagokwak
Che kigong’em ine bunyondet eng’ atebe nebo ng’onyuni
Makosomanet ak makotegis, Jehova sorun asi malusyo
Amun inye itinye rirenet, ak mami kiy ne temenen


Verse 2:

Sorun emet nyo Jehova sorun bik cho, Asi kotegisin ngo tienengei
Bare chi tupchennyi kobar chitab kok, ketumdo korotik che matinyei lelu
Kaswech Laitoriat nebo kalyet, igonech kalyet ak nyoetab kaat
Asi malusi bik ak chube,Kasweech baba kigurin kisoe


Verse 3:

Kasiin mosoget riirekwak, lagok kwananik che matinyei sigik
Che kikerebe imandang’wang, kenyalil aki magimageng kiy
Kimwa ile I kwandap che matinye kwan, iman igotiot ak mosoge
kaswech baba igochi imandangwang, amu inye ne matinye kalotunet


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