Download Si Ya Kawaida Mp3 by Erick Smith
A soul-lifting song from the African Christian/Gospel worshipper, minister, and song writer “Erick Smith“, as He calls this song “Si Ya Kawaida”. This song is sure to bless your heart and uplift your spirit.
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Lyrics: Si Ya Kawaida by Erick Smith
Nilikua wakudharauliwa ukanipaa heshima bwana
(I was despised but you gave me honor, ooh Lord)
sijui nisemee nini?
(I really don’t know what to say)
Hakuna chochote kile ninaweza jivunia ,isipokua neema yako
(There is nothing i can boast about apart from your grace)
Usingelikuwepo nisingekuwepo
(If you never existed i would not have existed)
Nisigelipata mimi upendo kama wako
(I could not have experienced a love like yours)
Ona neema siyakawaida
(See this graceit is not ordinary)
imenitoa kwa laana
(it removed me from a curse)
Hakuna chochote ningefanya mimi ilinikubaliwee na Mungu
(There is nothing I would have done for me to be accepted by God)
Damu yako ya dhamana imeniepusha na hukumu
(Your precious blood has saved me from judgment)
Rehema, upendo ,vimeniwezesha kuingia kwa baba
(Your mercy and love have enabled me to enter into my Father’s court)
Usingelijitoaa,nigekua wapi?
(If you never sacrificed yourself,where would I be?)
Kwa kupigwa kwako tumepona
(By your stripes we are healed)
Ulibeba mateso,shida zote,msalabani ukasema yote yamekwisha
(You carried our suffering,all our burdens to the cross and you said all is finished)
Usingelikuwepo nisingekuwepo
(If you never existed i would not have existed)
Nisigelipata mimi upendo kama wako
(I could not have experienced a Love like yours)
Ona neema siyakawaida
(See this graceit is not ordinary)
imenitoa kwa laana
(It removed me from a curse)
Hakuna chochote ningefanya mimi ilinikubaliwee na Mungu
(There is nothing I would have done for me to be accepted by God)
Damu yako ya dhamana imeniepusha na hukumu
(Your precious blood has saved me from judgment)
Rehema, upendo ,vimeniwezesha kuingia kwa baba
(His mercy and love have enabled me to enter into my Father’s court)