Gospel Music Nigerian Gospel Songs Eva Diamond – No Other God Ft. Moses Bliss

Eva Diamond – No Other God Ft. Moses Bliss

The renowned Nigerian music praise and worship leader “Eva Diamond” collaborates with the Love World music minister and prolific singer “Moses Bliss” to birth out this song of worship which they title “NO OTHER GOD“.

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Lyrics: No Other GOD by Eva Diamond &

No other God can do
What You have done for me
No other God can be
O Lord what You are to me

How the enemies sought to take my life
If not for God who was on my side
He wrapped me in His arms of protection
Only Him can do these and more

He’s my source
He’s my saviour
Father and friend
O Lord, You are my all in all
A very present help in times of my need
No other God but You

Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na

You make blind eyes to see
You make lame men to walk o
The things You do
Lord it blows my mind
O God, no other God like You

You’re my source
You’re my saviour, father and friend
O Lord, You’re my all in all
My very present help in times of need
No other God but You
Lift Your voice and sayโ€ฆ

No other God can do
What You have done for me
No other God can be
O Lord what You are to me(2x)

No other God but You o
No other God but You
Thank You Jesus
No other God
No other God o
No other God but You
No other God but You

No other God but You (12ร—)

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