Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs Evan Craft – All I Ever Need / Mi Único Deseo

Evan Craft – All I Ever Need / Mi Único Deseo

Evan Craft All I Ever Need Mi Unico Deseo

Download All I Ever Need / Mi Único Deseoar Mp3 by Evan Craft

An eminent song titled “All I Ever Need / Mi Único Deseo” by the Brazillian Christian music minister and eminent performer “EVAN CRAFT“ as he features other anointed musicians, Let this song be a blessing to you as you stream and share.

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Lyrics: All I Ever Need / Mi Único Deseo by Evan Craft

Verse 1:
Let all the questions
Rest for a second
I don’t need blessings
For You are my Heaven
Out of the striving
Into Your presence
I don’t need blessings

All I ever need is You
All I ever need is You
Bring me back to this simple truth
All I ever need is You

Verse 2:
Fix my attention
On Your good intentions
I don’t need blessings
For You are my Heaven
God I am desperate
Here I surrender
You are the blessing

You’re my miracle, you’re my breakthrough
God I trust You, God I trust You
No impossible, ever stopped You
God I trust You, God I trust You

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