Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs Evan Craft – Fix My Eyes / Fíjame En Ti

Evan Craft – Fix My Eyes / Fíjame En Ti

Evan Craft Fix My Eyes Fijame En Ti Ft KeErron

Download Fix My Eyes / Fíjame En Ti Mp3 by Evan Craft Ft. Ke’Erron

An eminent song titled “Fix My Eyes / Fíjame En Ti” by the Brazillian Christian music minister and eminent performer “EVAN CRAFT“ as he features other anointed musicians, Let this song be a blessing to you as you stream and share.

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Lyrics: Fix My Eyes / Fíjame En Ti by Evan Craft

Fix my eyes on you
Set my heart on you
Let every breath I breathe
Speak of your glory

I lift my hands to you
Surrender all to you
The weight of your majesty
Brings me down to my knees

All the glory
All the honor
To the one who gave it all
I want to be closer to you

Fix my eyes on you
Fix my eyes on you
No distractions
Can keep me away
Fix my eyes on you

Remind me of who you are
Remind me of what you’ve done
Where you have taken me
How you have set me free
You have set me free

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