Download Every Star Shall Sing A Carol Mp3 Hymn by Christian Hymns
Here’s a beautiful Hymn by the well-known prolific hymn writer, as this Hymn has been a blessing to lots of lives since it was brought to the world. The hymn song was performed by Hymns Channel.
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Lyrics: Every Star Shall Sing A Carol (Christian Hymn)
1 Every star shall sing a carol;
Every creatures, high or low,
Come and praise the King of heaven
By whatever name you know.
God above, Man below,
Holy is the name I know.
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2 When the King of all creation
Had a cradle on the earth,
Holy was the human body,
Holy was the human birth.
God above, Man below,
Holy is the name I know.
3 Every star and every planet,
Every creature, high or low,
Come and praise the King of heaven
By whatever name you know.
God above, Man below,
Holy is the name I know.