Motivation and Inspiration Familia Timofte – Iubirea s-a nascut in paie

Familia Timofte – Iubirea s-a nascut in paie

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Here’s a soulful song from the talented musician and renowned global vocalist ““. It’s a song titled “Iubirea s-a nascut in paie” This classic song, accompanied by a stunning music video and lyrics, is sure to captivate and enchant listeners of all ages. Don’t miss out on this beautiful musical experience!

Song Details

Title:Iubirea s-a nascut in paie
Song Duration:03:52

Get Mp3 Audio, Download, Stream, and Share this powerful song with your friends and family, and let the blessings overflow! By sharing it with your loved ones, you’re spreading the goodness and joy that this song brings. Let its melodious tunes and heartfelt lyrics be a source of inspiration and comfort to those who need it.


Download More Familia Timofte Songs Here

Lyrics: Iubirea s-a nascut in paie by Familia Timofte


Frumoasa zi a bucuriei
Din nou in inimi o avem
Iar gandul nostru se indreapta
Cu dragoste spre Bethleem
Caci , Cel ce a creeat pamantul
In lumea noastră a pasit
Din cer , s-a intrupat Cuvantul
Mesia , darul oferit

Iubirea s-a nascut in paie
In locul rece si umil
Caci intr-o zi Dumnezeirea
Luase un chip de copil

Priveau pastorii cu mirare ,
Al ingerilor tainic cor
Ce vestea aducea ,in noapte
Caci am primit un Salvator
Iar magii , plini de bucurie
Condusi de-o stea ,din rasarit
In lunga lor calatorie
Sa se inchine au venit

Mai suna astazi , iar colindul
Pe al zilelor sirag purtat
Sa fie pace peste lume
Si slava Celui prea inalt
Isus lasat-a ieslea rece
Pe tronul vesniciei pus
Ieri a fost prunc ,dar azi e Rege,
Si ne asteapta acolo sus

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