Universal Gospel Flame – My Side

Flame – My Side

My Side Mp3 Download Audio by & V. Rose

The renowned and brilliant gospel artist , comes through with a song called “My Side” featuring V. Rose, and was released in 2024. This amazing and inspiring track is a must listen for any music lover. With its message and captivating melody, “My Side” is an addition to any playlist. Whether you want to download the mp3 watch the video or sing along with the lyrics, “My Side” is undeniably a song that will deeply touch the hearts of everyone who encounters it.

Get the MP3 audio, download, stream, and share this amazing song with your friends and family. When you share it, you’re spreading the goodness and joy of the song. #CeeNaija


Download More FLAME Songs Here

My Side Lyrics by

Scripture on my side
Bible on my side
History on my side
Bible on my side

History on my side
Bible on my side
Scripture on my side
Bible on my side
History on my side
History on my side
Scripture on my side
Bible on my side
Scripture on my side
Scripture on my side
Scripture on my side
Scripture on my side
Bible on my side
Bible on my side
Bible on my side
Bible on my side

He said Flame these seem like non-essentials
Not even honorable mention if I’m honest with you
And issue of the conscience that’s not consequential
At best they feel divisive from the fundamentals
Baggage from Roman Catholics that Luther never severed
Devil use you to take us backwards
Took him back to Bible pages
Greek and Hebrew
Took him straight to Jesus’ statements
Before the denomination Roman Catholic had existed
Even Clement
Then extended through Patristics
Body parts have been missing
Zwingli swinging the pendulum
Calvin carried his sentiments
Sacraments salvific instruments
Got witness

History on my side
Bible on my side
Scripture on my side
Bible on my side
History on my side
History on my side
Scripture on my side
Bible on my side
Scripture on my side
Scripture on my side
Scripture on my side
Scripture on my side
Bible on my side
Bible on my side
Bible on my side
Bible on my side

Whether Irenaeus Against Heresies
All the way to Hermann Sasse we gon’ plenty heed
The Eucharistic promise that when we receive
Consecrated bread and wine
The body
Blood received
And we gon’ baptize our babies
‘Cause it’s God who does the saving
That’s how we say it
See it’s God who does the verbs
Does the drowning when submerged
Does the rising like the 3rd to us
The Bible never says it’s just an outward sign
Of an inward change
You ain’t gonna find it
Went to check
It ain’t nowhere in the text
That bread and wine
They just simply represent
What I got?

History on my side
Bible on my side
Scripture on my side
Bible on my side
History on my side
History on my side
Scripture on my side
Bible on my side
Scripture on my side
Scripture on my side
Scripture on my side
Scripture on my side
Bible on my side
Bible on my side
Bible on my side
Bible on my side


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