Gospel Global Gaither Vocal Band – Four Days Late

Gaither Vocal Band – Four Days Late

Download Four Days Late Mp3 by Ft. Karen Peck & New River

From the renownedย Christian musicย group or old school members whose songs still bless lives till today, brings to us a beautiful song titled โ€œFour Days Lateโ€œ performed with Karen Peck & New River. Stay graced as you listen and share.

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Lyrics: Four Days Late by Gaither Vocal Band

The news came to Jesus, Please come fast
Lazarus is sick and without your help he will not last
Mary and Martha watched their brother die
They waited for Jesus, He did not come
And they wondered why.

The death watch was over, Buried four days
Somebody said He’ll soon be here, the Lord’s on His way
Martha ran to Him and then she cried
Lord if you had been here You could have healed him
He’d still be alive

But You’re four days late And all hope is gone
Lord we don’t understand why you’ve waited so long
But His way is God’s way Not yours or mine
When He’s four days late
He’s still on time

Jesus said Martha show me the grave, But she said Lord
You don’t understand He’s been there four days
The grave stone was rolled back, Then Jesus cried
Lazarus come forth then somebody said
He’s alive, He’s alive

But You’re four days late And all hope is gone
Lord we don’t understand why you’ve waited so long
But His way is God’s way Not yours or mine
When He’s four days late
He’s still on time

You may be fighting a battle of fear
You’ve cried to the Lord I need You now
But he has not appeared.
Friend don’t be discouraged
Cause He’s still the same
He’ll soon be here He’ll roll back the stone
And He’ll call out your name

But You’re four days late And all hope is gone
Lord we don’t understand why you’ve waited so long
But His way is God’s way Not yours or mine
When He’s four days late He’s still on time

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