Gospel Global Gaither Vocal Band – Greatly Blessed, Highly Favored

Gaither Vocal Band – Greatly Blessed, Highly Favored

Download Greatly Blessed, Highly Favored Mp3 by Ft. The Gatlin Brothers

From the renownedย Christian musicย group or old school members whose songs still bless lives till today, brings to us a beautiful song titled โ€œGreatly Blessed, Highly Favoredโ€œ performed with The Gatlin Brothers. Stay graced as you listen and share.

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Lyrics: Greatly Blessed, Highly Favored by Gaither Vocal Band

Greatly blessed and highly favored
Imperfect, but forgiven child of God
Greatly blessed and highly favored
Imperfect, but forgiven child of God
Greatly blessed and highly favored
Imperfect, but forgiven child of God
Greatly blessed and highly favored
Imperfect, but forgiven child of God

Standing upright on God’s good Earth
I’m counting my blessings, great things He has done
I’m fighting the good fight with the blessed assurance
That the battle is already won
I’m greatly blessed and highly favored
Imperfect, but forgiven child of God
Greatly blessed and highly favored
Imperfect, but forgiven child of God
Greatly blessed and highly favored
Imperfect, but forgiven child of God
Greatly blessed and highly favored
Imperfect, but forgiven child of God

Child of God, I’m a child of God

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