Download To The Lamb Mp3 by HLE
Here’s a song by the African prolific music artist and talented singer “Hlengiwe Ntombela Mthethwa popularly known as HLE“ based in South Africa. This song is titled “To The Lamb”, as it was released alongside its video. You’ll also be blessed.
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Lyrics: To The Lamb by HLE
Who can be like our God
Who’s enthroned on high
Every breath bows to Him
Surely King of Kings
Holy is the Lord of hosts
On the throne of thrones
Mighty undefeated One
Your majesty
Mmm You’re so worthy
Mmm You’re so worthy
Holy is the Lamb
Worthy Worthy
You are so worthy, yeah
Glory to the Lamb of God
Who can be like our God
Who’s enthroned on high
Every breath bows to Him
Surely King of Kings
Holy is the Lord of hosts
Yes He’s Holy
On the throne of thrones
Says the Angels
You are mighty, yeah
Mighty undefeated One
Your majesty
We declare that You’re worthy
There’s a reason why, every heavenly being says You’re holy
Who can begin to compare to the Lord of God, yeah
You are Holy and lifted up
And so we say glory to the Lamb, yeah
Before You no god was formed
(Glory to the Lamb of God)
Your voice raises up the dead, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(Glory to the lamb of God)
Hey, You breathe life into our lungs
(Glory to the Lamb of God)
So everything that has breath bow, yeah
(Glory to the Lamb of God)
We say
You’re worthy
Yes we say
You’re worthy
Aye holy, yea Holy, yea Holy
(Worthy is the Lamb)
You are worthy
To receive glory now and forever
And power, wisdom is Yours, Lord
Glory, glory, glory to the Lamb of God
(Glory to the Lamb of God)
Glory, Glory, Glory, to the Lamb of God
So, we worship You
We worship You
We worship You
We worship You
We worship You
We worship You
We worship You, aye, You, aye
Only You are worthy
Yes, You’re worthy
All authority belongs to You oh God
You are Lord above all lords
Indeed You deserve the highest praise
You deserve all the glory
When You rise enemies scatter, yes God
We shout hallelujah, oh yeah
Yeah, Holy, yeah
(Only You are worthy)
You’re so worthy God
None can be compared to You
Only You, You’re so worthy