Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs Hold My Heart – Debora Sita (Mp3 & Lyrics)

Hold My Heart – Debora Sita (Mp3 & Lyrics)

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Just from the stable of INTEGRITY MUSIC Channel, Here’s a song by the prolific singer and worship leader “Debora Sita“. This song is titled “HOLD MY HEART“.

Download Audio Mp3, Stream, Share, and be blessed.


Lyrics of “Hold My Heart” by Deborah Sita

Come to me in the quiet
Come to me in this moment
I will shut the world out
To hear your voice
As your words sink into me
As your love pours all over my expectant and ravenous heart

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Who would I be without you
I’d be so lost
I’d be so lost
All I have is in you
You hold my heart
You hold my heart

Let your truth redefine me
Who you are shape and form me
What you give is good and I won’t lack a thing
So I’ll stay in this moment
I won’t run but trust your word
Jesus you’re the one who puts my soul at ease

Who would I be without you
I’d be so lost
I’d be so lost
All I have is in you
You hold my heart
You hold my heart

Savior and Friend
King and Redeemer
The only place I seek to rest and hide
Anchor and Hope
Stronghold and Healer
You’re the only one who satisfies

Who would I be without you
I’d be so lost
I’d be so lost
All I have is in you
You hold my heart
You hold my heart

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