Gospel Global Influence Music & Kim Walker-Smith – By Your Spirit

Influence Music & Kim Walker-Smith – By Your Spirit

Download By Your Spirit Mp3 by & Kim Walker-Smith

The renowned group who is desperate desire to create a culture and language of worship for every person, both in and outside of the church โ€œInfluence Musicโ€ comes through with a song alongside Kim Walker-Smith titled โ€œBy Your Spiritโ€œ.

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Lyrics: By Your Spirit by

When the world says to hurry
We’ll wait, we’ll wait on the Lord
When it looks like a window is closing
God, You open the door

When the world says we gotta try harder
You give us Your rest
Not ashamed to be fully dependent on
The Great I Am

Not by might, nor by power, only by, by Your Spirit
Not by struggle, or by striving, only by Holy Spirit
Not by might, nor by power, only by, by Your Spirit
Not by struggle, or by striving, only by Holy Spirit

No, we don’t have to chase after healing
Just the healer himself
And we don’t need to beg for Your presence
In our praises You dwell

Lord, You said that the burden is easy
And the yoke would be light
and the only fight that we’ll be called to
Is to keep faith alive

No, I don’t need to muster up some kind of strength
Cause You are the author, perfector of faith
The Spirit of Him Who defeated the grave
Is alive in me

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