Download Holy Is Your Word MP3 by J. Moss
A song written and ministered by the American worship leader, song composer and record producer James Moss, who is popularly known as J MOSS. this song is titled “Holy Is Your Word“.
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Holy Is Your Word Lyrics by J. Moss
Holy is Your Word that I’ve hidden in my heart,
Holy is Your Word that was there from the start
It cuts like a knife and It’s sharp like a sword
Holy is Your Word that cannot be ignored
Holy is Your Word that I’ve hidden in my heart,
Holy is Your Word that was there from the start
It cuts like a knife, sharp like a sword
Holy is Your Word that cannot be ignored
Come on somebody
Holy is Your Word that I’ve hid in my heart,
That I’ve hidden in my heart
Holy, Holy is Your Word, say like you mean it
That was there from the start
It cuts, It cuts like a knife uhh ohh
Sharp like a sword
Holy is Your Word that cannot be ignored, that cannot be ignored
He that hath an ear, let him hear from the Lord
Hear from the Lord
His Word is the truth
And It abide in you
I’m telling you the Word will last
Your Word will last, just try it
Forever ohh and ever
Holy is Your Word that shall never be ignored,
That cannot be ignored
He that hath an ear, let him hear from the Lord
His Word is the truth, It’s the Word that will always stand, and It abide in you
Let It abide in you, His Word will last forever and ever
Holy is the Word, whatever you want it’s in It
Spend time and read ’cause It knows what’s on your heart
Help me love, love, it’s in It, it’s in It
Mhm love, love, it’s in Your word, it’s in It
Gave Your Son because of, love it’s in It
And It knows what is on your heart
And Your peace, peace, ain’t it in There, it’s in It
If you’ve lost your, peace, you go to the Word, it’s in It
He’ll keep you in perfect, peace, if you keep your mind on It, it’s in It
‘Cause It knows what’s on your heart
All your joy, joy, joy and happiness, it’s in It
Lost joy, joy, find it in the Word, it’s in It
The joy of Lord, joy, is your strength, it’s in It
And It knows what’s on your heart
The truth, truth, it’s in There, it’s in It, whatever you need, truth
Whatever you want, it’s in it
Delight yourself, truth, in the Holy Word, it’s in It, yeah
And It knows what’s on your heart
The truth, truth, it’s in Your Word, it’s in It, It never fails, truth,
It never fails, it’s in It
Holy, truth, the Holy, it’s in It
And It knows what’s in your heart
Whatever you want, spend time in the Word, yeah
Anything you need
It knows what’s on your heart