Gospel Music Nigerian Gospel Songs JayMikee – Sunset At Midday

JayMikee – Sunset At Midday

Jay Mikee Sunset At Midday

Download Sunset At Midday Mp3 byย JayMikee

The renowned Christian music singer and prolific actor ofย Mount Zion moviesย from Nigeria โ€œJoshua Mike Bamiloyeโ€ and widely known asย JAYMIKEEย release a song titled โ€œSunset At Middayโ€œ.

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Lyrics: Sunset At Midday byย JayMikee

There is a way, that seems right to a man
But the end there of, is destruction
The fear of God, is the start of wisdom
But fools despise the instruction
There are many plans in a man’s heart
But it is the Lord’s counsel that will stand
When a man’s ways please the Lord
Even his enemies will be at peace with him
I will be a living sacrifice
I will never fall by the way side
Do not conform to the pattern of the World
But be ye transformed by renewing your mind
That you may approve, what it is that’s good
And acceptable, perfect will of God
I will be a living sacrifice
I will never fall by the way side
I will be a vessel in God’s hands
My sun will never set at mid-day
I will be a vessel in God’s hands
My sun will never set at mid-day

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