Top Christian Songs Jenn Johnson (Bethel) – Everything To You

Jenn Johnson (Bethel) – Everything To You

Jenn Johnson Bethel Everything To You

Download Everything To You Mp3 by (Bethel Music)

Here’s a song from the Bethel Music as they come through with an electrifying tune. It’s a song titled “Everything To You” and was performed with . The song was released alongside its live performance video.

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Lyrics: Everything To You by 

You placed the stars into motion
You called to the light and it came into place
Every detail of our beings You created
And like a good Father You will take care

You hold my being
You wrap Yourself around every detail of my life
You placed everything into motion
And all I have to do is stand in the palm of Your hand

‘Cause I mean everything to You
‘Cause I mean everything to You

You wrap yourself around me, oh
You hold me together in Your hand
When I’m feeling that I’m falling apart and I’m everywhere
You hold me now

‘Cause I mean everything to You
I mean everything to You

And You mean everything to me
And You mean everything to me
You mean everything to me
And You mean everything to me

I bare my soul completely before You
All I am, all I am is Yours
‘Cause You mean everything to me
Everything in this whole world

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