Gospel Music Jeremy Camp – I Still Believe (Mp3 + Lyrics)

Jeremy Camp – I Still Believe (Mp3 + Lyrics)

Download I Still Believe Mp3 by

Here’s a song from the well known award-winning gospel artist, as this song was released officially in 2002 and the visuals was released in 2020.


Watch the 2020 video below

Lyrics for “I Still Believe” by

Scattered words and empty thoughts
seem to pour from my heart
I’ve never felt so torn before
seems I don’t know where to start
but it’s now that I feel Your grace falls like rain
from every fingertip, washing away my pain

I still believe in Your faithfulness
I still believe in Your truth
I still believe in Your holy word
even when I don’t see, I still believe

Though the questions still fog up my mind
with promises I still seem to bear
even when answers slowly unwind
it’s my heart I see You prepare
but its now that I feel Your grace fall like rain
from every finger tip, washing away my pain


The only place I can go is into your arms
where I throw to you my feeble prayers
in brokeness I can see that this was your will for me
Help me to know You are near


  1. Estaba buscando una película que logrará cautivar a una pareja que estoy mentoreando y quieren separarse, pero jamás pensé que ministraria tanto mi vida, estoy diagnosticada con cáncer de mamas y siento que esta canción capta realmente lo que estoy viviendo en mis emociones. Tengo muchas interrogantes pero lo único que tengo claro en el fondo de mi corazón es creer que Dios va a hacer algo, el va a glorificarse en mi y si mi destino no es sanarme solo le pido me ayude, me fortalezca cada día más…

  2. This’s amazing and fulfilling, just got here after watching the movie “I still believe”. Yes, true faith is believing even when we don’t see. Thank you LORD.

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