Gospel Global Jeremy Riddle – Revelation 1

Jeremy Riddle – Revelation 1

Downloadย Revelation 1 Mp3 byย Jeremy Riddle

Here’s a song from theย Bethel Musicย singer as he comes through with anย electrifying tune. It’s a song titled โ€œRevelation 1โ€ and was performed byย Jeremy Riddle. The song was released alongside its live performance video

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Lyrics of “Revelation 1” by

To Him who always loves us
Who once and for all freed us
Whose blood has washed our sins away
And brought us into light of day

To Him be the glory
To Him be the power
To Him be the majesty
And the dominion forever

Oh praise the Ever-living One!
The One who was, and is, and is to come!
The firstborn from among the dead
Almighty and Omnipotent

Oh see Him coming with the clouds!
Every tribe on earth will weep aloud!
Before the One who is the First and Last
Every knee will bow and tongue confess

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