Gospel Global Jesus Culture – Look To The Lamb

Jesus Culture – Look To The Lamb

Download Look To The Lamb Mp3 by , Lindy Cofer, Bryan & Katie Torwalt

Another song from the American contemporary outreach evangelical ministry โ€˜Jesus Culture.โ€˜ This song titled โ€œLook To The Lambโ€ performed with Lindy Cofer, Bryan & Katie Torwalt, is sure to bless your heart and uplift your spirit tremendously.

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Lyrics: Look To The Lamb by

There’s only one Name that is worthy
There’s only one King on the throne
He is the light of our salvation
All praise belongs to Him alone

There’s only one way to the Father
One love that melts a heart of stone
He is the life and resurrection
All praise belongs to Him alone

Look to the Lamb
See the Son of God, the Savior crucified
See the crown of thorns, the nails, His wounded side
He is worthy
Look to the Lamb
See the One who is forever glorified
There is love and there is fire in His eyes
He is worthy
He is worthy

He is the Alpha and Omega
He was and is and is to come
He will return to shouts of glory
His name is Jesus Christ, our God
His name is Jesus Christ, our God

The elders bow, the creatures cry
Saints and angels glorify
The anthem echoes day and night

Eyes like fire, hair like wool
Voice like many waters roar
Matchless and most beautiful

Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy is the Lamb

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