Gospel Global John Mark Pantana – Grace

John Mark Pantana – Grace

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Here’s a song by the Global prolific music artist and talented singer ““. This song is titled “Grace”, as it was released alongside its video. You’ll also be blessed.

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Lyrics: Grace by

Verse 1

I was looking at my sin
But I was never gettin’ free from it
You’ve settled it I’m always loved, forever right
with You, what a grand design


You are love inside my heart
And I can’t imagine one day without ya
You are the love of my life
Oh, what a beautiful Grace I’m in

Verse 2

I was looking for this love
I was waiting for this day to come
You’re better than I ever thought you’d ever be
How love changed my frame my mind


All the preachers are yellin’ holiness
And all the bleachers can’t get ahold of it
‘Cause sin consciousness creates counterfeits
You want freedom, eyes on Jesus then
As you behold Him you become like Him
But nobody’s bold ’cause the righteousness
Preached, well it’s works-based obedience
Self-effort, self-confident deviance
Outward behavior that ways immediate
But inward change comes with Grace ingredients
The Gospel is Grace
And people are sayin’ that it’s dangerous
But haven’t tasted all that He’s paid for us,
My goodness how wonderfully it changes us
When we understand where He’s placed us in Christ
We aren’t separationists
Our righteousness, we receive a gift
It’s not leased on some type of work permit
Confessing like our standing is based on it
Well our past, our present, and our future of sin
As far as east from west has been
Once and for all forever put away
That we might come BOLDY
Everyday every moment wholly convinced
That God our Father
Did all the work on the alter
That we might know Him
Completely, individually, in love and intimacy
The Gospel is simply Grace

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