Download Mighty Grace Mp3 by John Mark Pantana
Here’s a song by the Global prolific music artist and talented singer “John Mark Pantana“. This song is titled “New Day”, as it was released alongside its video. You’ll also be blessed.
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Lyrics: Mighty Grace by John Mark Pantana
Verse 1
Lord, what can I say
You show me endless Grace
Love, how can I thank You
You tell me all is paid
Verse 2
Lord, when I fall down
You tell me who I am
Love, You see no wrongs
You see the perfect Lamb
Mighty Waves
Are crashing In
Grace upon Grace has left me
In the tide of Your great love
You wash my mind with
Mighty Grace
Verse 3
Lord, I am undone
You dress me in Your Son
Love, love on the Cross
You said the work is done
Release your guilt
Let go of your shame
Jesus became sin
There is no condemnation
Let Him love you
Let Him love you