Top Christian Songs Jonathan Nelson – Great and Mighty (Mp3 & Lyrics)

Jonathan Nelson – Great and Mighty (Mp3 & Lyrics)

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The Baltimore American singer, praise leader, and songwriter releases a song of praise worship as He calls this song “Great and Mighty“, Let this audio be a blessing to you.

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Lyrics of Great and Mighty by


Great and Mighty are you Lord,
Forever we will sing.
Great and Mighty are you Lord,
Our great and matchless King.

King of all Kings, Lord of all Lords,
We worship you with one accord.
Ancient of Days, Lamb who was slain,
Your Kingdom reigns from age to age!

[Verse x4]


Lord, we give you the praise.
For the rest of our days
We exalt your holy name!

Great God… [Repeat as needed]


Oh-oh, oh-oh… [Repeat as needed]

Our great and matchless King. [x2]

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