Universal Gospel Josh Wilson – But Wait

Josh Wilson – But Wait

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The widely recognized contemporary Christian musician presents to us a compelling song, as this masterpiece is titled “But Wait“. This track, released in 2024 from the album collection titled Mental Help, is a captivating and inspirational addition to any music enthusiast’s collection. The tune “But Wait” carries a powerful message and a mesmerising melody, making it a must-listen for all. Feel free to stream the mp3, watch the video, and sing along to the heartfelt lyrics.

Get the MP3 audio, download, stream, and share this amazing song with your friends and family. When you share it, you’re spreading the goodness and joy of the song. #CeeNaija


Download More JOSH WILSON Songs Here

Lyrics: But Wait by

This is for those of you who feel like a house divided
For those who, like me, can be so double-minded
For the defeated and the doubters
For the losers and left-outers
For the alcoholics and the secret keepers
For the anxious, depressed, and barely still believers
For the pastor with a hidden sin
The parents with the wayward kids
The ones with broken marriages
Who wonder, is this all there is?
For those of us who run the race
But we wonder if God’s grace
Is big enough for my mistakes
This is for the legalistic upright, who actually think you’re alright
For the regretters of what you did last night
After you swore you’d stop visiting that website
You see, the promises we make become the promises we break
But wait
But wait
But wait
Romans 8
There is no condemnation
There is no condemnation
There is no condemnation
For those who are in Christ Jesus

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