Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs Karen Clark Sheard – He Knows (Mp3 + Lyrics)

Karen Clark Sheard – He Knows (Mp3 + Lyrics)

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The American Grammy Award-winning gospel singer, musician, songwriter, and mother of Kierra Sheard, who is also best known as the youngest member of the American gospel group The Clark Sisters. Karen Clark Sheard blesses us with a song titled โ€œHe Knowsโ€œ.

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He Knows Lyrics by

Does he know about how I can’t get to sleep at night
Does he know about all this pain and tears I cry
Does he know about the things I done
Everything under the sun
Does he know all of our secrets we hold so tight
Does he know how hard it is to cope sometimes
Does he know my weakness when I feel like I wanna choke somebody
Does he know all of my needs beyond my faults
Does he know all of my joy that I lost

He knows, he knows all about our struggles
He knows, he knows all about our troubles
He knows, he knows every sorrow that’s coming tomorrow
He’ll never put more on us then we can bear
He knows about it, He knows about it

Dorinda too..

Does he know my dreams and desires too
Does he know my shortcomings, does he know that too
Does he know the things I said
And the thoughts in my head
Does he know the things I cherish and what I regret
Does he know how hard I try to live saved
Does he know my weakness
The things that make me stray away
Does he know my needs beyond my faults
Does he know how to find me when I’m lost


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