Gospel Global Kelsy Kerubo – Nasonga Mbele

Kelsy Kerubo – Nasonga Mbele

Download Nasonga Mbele Mp3 by Ft. Rose Muhando

Here’s a song by the Global prolific music artist and talented singer ““. This song is titled “Nasonga Mbele” featuring Rose Muhando, as it was released alongside its video. You’ll also be blessed.

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Lyrics: Nasonga Mbele by

Nimeshapata (I have received) x2

Tangazo, tangazo kwa mapepo na wajumbe wako (Announcement to the devil and his messengers)
Mimi sirudi nyuma kamwe (I will never turn back)
Mmapetuli nao nawapa habari (I have an announcement to the detractors)
Walisema sitasonga, mi nasonga mbele (They said I will be stuck, but I’m pressing on)
Huyu Yesu, ni mwache niende kwa nani? (This Jesus, if I leave Him, where would I go?)
Huyu Yesu, mimi namtazamia juu juu (This Jesus, I will continually look up to Him)

Nasonga mbele, kama mgambo (I’m pressing onward, like a ranger)
Sirudi nyuma, sirudi nyuma kamwe (I do not turn back, never do I turn back)
Nainua macho yangu juu (I lift up my eyes)
Mawazo yangu yote juu (All my thoughts are of on high)
Kila kitu changu chote juu kwake (All my plans are on Him)
Ananipenda! (For He loves me!)

Hivi ni nini kitachonifanya nimwache Mungu (For what can lead me to abandon God?)
Mbele nisiendelee, nigeuke nyuma nimwache? (To stop moving forward, to turn back and leave him?)
Ikiwa ni dhiki, magonjwa, vifungo havitaweza (Neither distress, nor sickness, nor sentencing will make me)
Aliye ndani yangu ni mkuu, ataniwezesha (For the One who lives within me will make me successful)

Hakuhesabu udhaifu wangu (He did not count my weaknesses)
Hakuchukulia tena kwa hasira (He was not angered by me)
Yeye alinibariki bado (He still blessed me)
Hakuwasikiza wal’o leta mashitaka yangu kwake (And did not listen to my accusers)
Kama Ayubu, alitetea bado (Like Job, he defended me)
Yeye Hakimu wa kweli (For He is a just judge)
Hapewi rushwa anajua haki zangu (He cannot be bribed, he knows my rights)


Sifikirii kushindwa (I do not ponder my defeat)
Sina ndoto ya kuchoka (I do not dream of my exhaustion)
Ataniwezesha (For He will enable me)

Wapo wengi wenye chuki na kero (There are many with hatred and annoyance)
Waliponikera, yeye akapigana (When they troubled me, He fought for me)
Wapo wengi walinipa masaa (There are many that counted my days)
Kwenye wokovu leo wanashangaa (They are now surprised with my salvation)
Kweli kweli alisema, ataandaa meza yangu (Truly He said, He will prepare my table)
Mbele yao maadui, leo wanaboba (Before my enemies, now they are confused)


Watasubiri wangojee (They will wait and wait)
Watangoja washangae (The will wait and be surprised)
Kwani yeye Bwana (For the Lord)
Atanipeleka juu (Will take me higher)

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