Download Imani Mp3 by Kidum Kibido
Here’s a song performed by the Global prolific music artiste and talented singer “Kidum Kibido“. This song is titled “Imani”, as it was released alongside its video. You’ll enjoy as you listen.
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Lyrics: Imani by Kidum Kibido
Wooh huh wooh wooh wooh
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah…
Heh Eh, Heh Eh
Oh oh oh oh
You want to drive me crazy one day
Have mercy on me before I bleed.
You make my heart beat like a car in a race
Remember then that there are holes
and corners here and there
You make me run so much
(Please stop!)
Let’s take it slow, slow,
haste has no blessing
(It is not blessed)
You make me run so much
(Uh uh uh)
Let’s take it slow, slow,
haste has no blessing
I just ask that we be honest
May our trust be perfect.
(Be perfect)
I just ask that we be honest
(Please, I beg.)
May our trust be perfect.
Our Trust
A suspicious life,
We only live in a state of suffering
I always seem to be the bad guy
even when you bring lawyers and witnesses
You like cases,
This seems to be your pleasure.
You’re gonna give me a heart attack.
Just stop.
You make me run so much
(You make me run so much)
Let’s take it slow, slow,
haste has no blessing
(It has no blessing)
You make me run so much
(Slow down)
Let’s take it slow, slow,
(Slow down)
haste has no blessing
(Slow down)
I just ask that we be honest
(Let’s be honest)
May our trust be perfect.
(Be perfect. So be it.)
I just ask that we be honest
(Haiih, Haiih ,Haiih)
May our trust be perfect.
Our Trust
[harp playing]
Let’s be honest,
Me and you
Let us be faithful
forever and ever, Yeah …
Trust, let there be trust between us.
May peace reign
May peace reign
Ah, ah, ah, I say…
You make me run so much
Let’s take it slow, slow,
haste has no blessing
You make me run so much
Let’s take it slow, slow,
(Let’s take it easy)
haste has no blessing
(Let’s go, Take it slow)
I just ask that we be honest
May our trust be perfect.
(Let’s be honest)
I just ask that we be honest
May our trust be perfect.
(Forever and ever)
Our Trust
I just want us to be honest
Me and you
Let’s love each other
May peace reign
Ah, Uh,
May peace reign
Slow down