Download I Just Want To Worship Mp3 by Kristene DiMarco (Bethel Music)
Here’s a song from the Bethel Music as they come through with an electrifying tune. It’s a song titled “I Just Want To Worship” and was performed with Kristene DiMarco. The song was released alongside its live performance video.
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Lyrics: I Just Want To Worship by Kristene DiMarco
Verse 1
Here in this moment
When Heaven breaks through
I wanna stay here, forever with You
I am surrounded
I just wanna worship
It’s all I wanna do
Will You fully inhabit
The song I sing to You
I just wanna worship
Lift my hands to You
Fully present in this moment
Fully given to You
Verse 2
Drawn to the beauty
The glory of Your grace
I see perfection, when we’re face to face
I am surrounded
For this I have been made
Locked in Your embrace
Covered in Your majesty
Here I have no need
I am truly free
Everything as it should be