Top Christian Songs Kristene DiMarco (Bethel) – Never Ever

Kristene DiMarco (Bethel) – Never Ever

Kristene DiMarco Bethel Never Ever

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Here’s a song from the  as they come through with an electrifying tune. It’s a song titled “Never Ever” and was performed with . The song was released alongside its live performance video.

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Lyrics: Never Ever by 

Change is a constant and it’s vulnerable
But I’m held so close
That I can’t fall to pieces
When I’m fragile You’re invincible
The only one I know
That can hold my whole world

Never ever have You ever
Failed to come through
Always faithful, always present
That is You
Showing up to cover my weakness
That is what You do

Every answer that I long to hear
Somehow disappears
As I remember You’re with me
And all the comfort that I need to find
It finds me every time
‘Cause You are already waiting

Never ever have You ever
Failed to come through
Always faithful, always present
That is You
Showing up to cover my weakness
That is what You do
That is what You do

Before my days began
Held safely in Your hand
And surely as the sun will rise
You will be at my side

Never ever have You ever
Failed to come through
Always faithful, always present
That is You
Showing up to cover my weakness
That is what You do
That is what You do

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