Top Christian Songs Kristene DiMarco (Bethel) – Revival

Kristene DiMarco (Bethel) – Revival

Kristene DiMarco Bethel Revival

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Here’s a song from theย ย as they come through with anย electrifying tune. It’s a song titled โ€œRevivalโ€ and was performed by . The song was released alongside its live performance video.

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Lyrics: Revival byย 

I’ve Played my Harp
I’ve Swung my Sword
And in your Name Sake
Declared my Wars

With no Shining Robes
And Skin for your Clothes
My Cross you Carried
To the darkest Low

I don’t want to Miss you
Guarding my Position
I don’t want to build my Kingdom
With the only Goal to Win
God I want to Listen

Let You Speak
Into the Cycles
Come Turn my Tables over
Not mine but Yours

I’ve Played my Harp
I’ve Swung my Sword
And in your Name Sake
Declared my Wars

With no Shining Robes
And Skin for your Clothes
My Cross you Carried
To the darkest Low

I don’t want to Miss you
Guarding my Position
I don’t want to build my Kingdom
With the only Goal to Win
God I want to Listen

Let You Speak
Into the Cycles
Come Turn my Tables over
Not mine but Yours

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