Gospel Global KS Bloom – C’est Dieu (Remix)

KS Bloom – C’est Dieu (Remix) [Mp3 & Lyrics]

KS Bloom Cest Dieu Remix

Download C’est Dieu Mp3 by Ft. Ekile (Mummy G.O)

Here’s a song by the Global prolific music artist and talented singer ““. This song is titled “C’est Dieu” and performed with Nigerian singer , as it was released alongside its video. You’ll be blessed as you listen.

Download Audio Mp3, Stream, Share, and stay graced


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If You’re a lover of good and great Gospel/Christian music, be it Afro Gospel or contemporary tune, then this song “C’est Dieu (Remix)” is a beautiful song that should lift your soul.

The song “C’est Dieu (Remix)” is a melody and tune that was written due to inspiration by the Holy Ghost, as this song was made to bless lives and build your faith in Christ the Lord. The beautiful lyrics, vocals, energy, and inspiration used in birthing this song will thrill you.

KS BLOOM - C’est Dieu remix ( Official Video) ft. CHIDINMA

Lyrics: C’est Dieu by

Allô allô (Hello, Hello)

Eh tobina un peu d’abord (Eh let us dance a little first)
Avant qu’je raconte mon scénario (Before I tell my story)
C’est vrai que la vie ne fait pas cadeau (It’s true that life does not give gifts)
Où est papa noël? (Where is Santa Claus? )
Où est son sac à dos? (Where is his gift bag?)
Et même si problème est dans ma peau (And even if problem is in my skin)
God God God mon ..?.. (God is my … )
J’ai décidé de quitter le mal (I decided to leave the evil)
Car tout ce que je cherchais (Because all I was looking for)
C’est lui qui donne (He is the Giver of all)

C’est Dieu qui a commencé (God began it)
C’est lui qui va faire un miracle dans la zone (It is He who will perform a miracle in the zone)
C’est Dieu qui a commencé (It was God who began it)
C’est lui qui ferme la bouche des kpakpatos (It is he who closes the mouth of the enemies)(Repeat)

Dieu! Allô allô (God, Hello, Hello)
Dieu, Allez allez (God, Come through)
Dieu, llô allô, allô (God, Hello, Hello)

Olayiwola, mo ti ri re gba o (The One Who is Honored, I have received His Grace o)
Na because You dey my back (Because You have my back)
Na why I de go shakara (This is why I am proud)
You no fit leave me halfway o (You will not leave me halfway)
I know, I know
Daddy, You love me too much o
I know, I know, I know

C’est Dieu qui a commencé eh (It was God who started)
Yé yélélélé eh!
Il a commencé yélélélé eh eh (He started)
Il a commencé (He started)
C’est lui qui va faire un miracle dans ma vie (He is the one who will work a miracle in my life )
C’est Dieu qui a commencé (God started it)
C’est lui qui ferme la bouche de mes ennemis (It is he who shuts the mouth of my enemies)


T’as fais de moi une œuvre d’art (You made me a work of art)
Ne me demande pas de (Without demanding pay) (Repeat)


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