Gospel Global Lindy Cofer – Empty Words

Lindy Cofer – Empty Words

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Here’s a song by the Global prolificย music artistย and talented singer โ€œโ€œ. Thisย songย is titled โ€œEmpty Wordsโ€, as it was released alongside its video. You’ll beย blessed as you listen.

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Lyrics: Empty Words by

Verse 1
We want to walk with You, talk with You
Not miss a single thing You do
Discern the where and how You want to move
We want to take the time to hear Your heart
Get to know the friend You are
And partner in the things You want to do

We’re not satisfied with empty words
Not satisfied with playing church
We want a real encounter
We want a real encounter
We won’t settle for a lukewarm faith
We’re living for the face to face
We want a real encounter
We want a real encounter

Verse 2
Tear down the altars of self righteous plans
The idols built to fear of man
The lie we have work our way to You
Flip every table of religiousness
Till holiness is all that left
Worshipers in spirit and in truth x 2

Bridge 1
All, all that I want is you
Jesus just Jesus
I bring more than my words
but all my heart to you
Jesus just Jesus

Holy Spirit
We’re desperate for a demonstration
Of Your power
Come and wreck a generation
For Your glory
Way beyond our expectation
Holy Spirit move

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