Gospel Music Nigerian Gospel Songs Margaret Avar – Sing And Shout

Margaret Avar – Sing And Shout

Margaret Avar Sing And Shout

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Here’s a song by the Nigerian Christian music minister and fast-rising praise worship leader “” whose song has been a blessing to live. The song is titled “Sing And Shout“.

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Margaret Avar is a gospel music minister, she is a lover of God and his ways. Lives in Taraba state, Married with four kids. She is from kwande local government area of Benue state Nigeria. The core messages in her songs includes: intimacy with God, total surrender to God, salvation and Grace. Come to Zion is her first album with anointed and would lifting songs like come to Zion, presence, the Grace, and more.

Lyrics: Sing And Shout by


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Fb: Margaret avarAvar-Music
IG: Margaret Avar

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