Gospel Global Markers Worship – Seeking for the Heaven’s

Markers Worship – Seeking for the Heaven’s

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The renowned Global Christian music team of praisers and worshippers whose songs have blessed lives “” perform a song of praise worship which is titled “Seeking for the Heaven’s“. This song is sure to bless your heart and uplift your spirit.

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Lyrics: Seeking for the Heaven’s by

Looking at the World
The world only testifies
honor and possessions they hold
Power and boasting success

With meaningless vain
For the sake of worthless things
To deny the most precious Lord

Believing the Lord
Living within the Lord
How blessed it is,
how blessed we are
It is beyond measures

Knowing the Lord
Growing within His presence
It’s to experience
the most precious Lord

Let me seek
for the Heavenly things
I’ll not miss out
on the eternal things

The Lord’s words
Becomes the strength of my life
With the strength of the Lord,
I will fulfill his will

Let the place
I belong become sacred holy
I will not miss
the Lord’s Heart

Lord’s generation
I’ll become the witness of faith
I’ll establish
the holy Kingdom of God

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