Top Christian Songs Mean Girls – Leanna Crawford, Jekalyn Carr

Mean Girls – Leanna Crawford, Jekalyn Carr

Leanna Crawford Jekalyn Carr Mean Girls

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The eminent contemporary US-based gospel singer “Leanna Crawford” churns out a new song titled “Mean Girls“ featuring , as this is a must-listen.

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Lyrics: Mean Girls by Leanna Crawford

Mean girls don’t remember what they said
It’s funny cuz I can’t seem to forget
Their whispers opened up the door
To a world called insecure
No, mean girls don’t remember what they said

Stick and stones may break my bones
But no one ever warned me about words

I smile and I pretend it doesn’t hurt
But the older that I get it just gets worse
Lord, find me and remind me that my worth
Is worth so much more than their words

You say I’m more than their words
So much more than their words

I need you to find
The little girl inside that picture frame
Was smiling cuz she never heard of shame
But now mean girls are the reason why
I change my clothes a thousand times
Before I walk out the door

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