Download No Failure (Hymn) Mp3 by Melvin Crispell III
Here’s a song by the Global prolific music artiste and talented singer “Melvin Crispell III“. This song is titled “No Failure (Hymn)”, as it was released alongside its video. You’ll be blessed as you listen.
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Lyrics: No Failure (Hymn) by Melvin Crispell III
He is God
And He changes not
He stays the same
Through the ages, oh
Who He is today
He’ll forever be
Every promise made
Do you still believe
There is no failure
What You started
We believe
You will
There is no failure
Ooh (What You started)
We (We believe)
You will (You will)
Complete (Complete)
He is God
And He changes not
He stays the same, oh
Through the ages, oh-ooh
Who He is today
I promise He’ll forever be
Every promise that He made you
Do you still believe
Oh Lord we still believe
That there is no failure (There is no failure)
What You start (What You started)
We (We believe)
We believe You will (You will)
Complete (Complete)
There is no fail (There is no failure)
What You started
We believe
You will
Finish what You started
You’ll finish what You started
Lord You (Finish what You started)
Oh Lord You (Finish what You started)
Listen to this
You will perform
Ay, yeah
You keep You word
Ay, yeah
You will perform
Lord I believe
Ay, yeah
You keep Your word
Oh, if you believe it
Say (You will perform)
You will perform (Hallelujah)
Oh, everything He promised
Oh, He keeps (You keep Your word)
You don’t have to worry (Hallelujah)
You don’t have to fret
Because His word will last
His word will stand (You will perform)
Everything He started (Hallelujah)
He will complete in your life
You are not abandoned (You keep Your word)
You are not abandoned
You are not abandoned (Hallelujah)
There’s more to this story
There’s more He wants you to do
There’s more He wants you to say (You will perform)
He will perform (Hallelujah)
He keeps His word (You keep Your word, hallelujah)
He’s a promise keeper (You will perform)
He will perform it (Hallelujah)
He keeps His word (You keep Your word)
Hallelujah (Hallelujah)
There is no failure
What You started
We believe
You will
We believe You will
We believe You will
Oh, we believe You will (We believe You will)
I’m trusting in You (We believe You will)
I’m depending on You (We believe You will)
All my hope is in Jesus (I know You will complete)
Great is thy faithfulness
Oh, great is thy faithfulness
Morning by morning
New mercy I see
And all I have needed
His hand has already provided
For great is thy faithfulness
Oh great is His faithfulness
Will you believe in Him
Great is His faithfulness
Lord unto us
And He’ll finish what He started
He’ll finish what He started (Finish what You started)
The places where I fell off (Finish what You started)
I know He’ll finish what He started (Finish what You started)
Don’t throw in the towel
Don’t put down the sword (Finish what You started)
Don’t put down the ox
Keep plowing
Keep plowing (Finish what You started)
I promise you the latter will be greater (Finish what You started)
The latter will be greater
And after you sat there a little while (Finish what You started)
You will perform, hallelujah
You keep Your word, hallelujah
There is no failure
What You started
We Your children
We believe You will
We believe You will
We believe You will
Doesn’t look like it
But we believe You will
Doesn’t feel like it
But we believe You will
We believe that You will complete