Gospel Global Mia Fieldes – Steeples

Mia Fieldes – Steeples

Download Steeples Mp3 by Nรญvea Soares

Hereโ€™s a song by the Global prolificย music artistย and talented singer โ€œNรญvea Soaresโ€œ. Thisย songย is titled โ€œSteeplesโ€, as it was released alongside its video. Youโ€™ll beย blessed as you listen.

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Lyrics: Steeples by Nรญvea Soares

Verse 1
You donโ€™t need a building
To meet with a heart
Youโ€™re never too busy
You donโ€™t make it hard

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Verse 2
You donโ€™t need a service
To transform a life
Your arms are an alter
Always open wide

But If You want a tent
To start a revival
Iโ€™ll prepare the way
I donโ€™t need a title
If You want a church
Iโ€™ll be a cathedral
You be the glory
Iโ€™ll be the steeple

Verse 3
Iโ€™ll become a temple
Spare no expense
Where Youโ€™ll be exalted
And we will be friends

And when people come
I pray theyโ€™d encounter
Jesus alone
The truest of treasures
When people come
No matter their story
I pray theyโ€™d be changed
From glory to glory


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