Download Moyin O Mp3 by Minister MTS
Here’s a song by the Nigerian Christian music minister and fast-rising praise worship leader “Minister MTS” whose song has been a blessing to live. The song is titled “Moyin O“.
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The African Christian Gospel music Minister Minister MTS meaning “Michael Tolulope Sunmonu”
An Energetic and Radical Praise and Worship Minister with so much Grace from God Almighty
births a Power Praise Song , which he titles MOYIN O ( I give you praise).
Lyrics: Moyin O by Minister MTS
Am a Champion for Life
Am a champion for life
Am a champion for Life
You brought me out of the Mired clay
and set my feet in the rock to stay
I praise you Lord
I praise you Lord
now I can dance and I can rejoice
I praise you Lord
I praise you Lord
MOYIN O – (I give you Praise)
MOYIN o (I give you praise)
Inu midun ori mi wu
(My heart rejoice ,my head is swollen , I give you Praise)
MOYIN O (I give you Praise )
Am a Champion for Life
Am a champion for life
Am a champion for Life
MOYIN O – I give you Praise
MOYIN o – I give you praise
Connect with Minister MTS:
Contacts: 0907 746 6188 and 07031034221
Instagram: officiallymts
TikTok: officiallymts
YouTube: officiallymts
God Bless you sir. You shall not go down in Jesus name Amen.
Wonderful 👍.
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