Download El Amado Viene Mp3 by Montesanto
The Dominican Republic gospel music sensation Montesanto, comes through with a song called “El Amado Viene“, and was released in 2024. This amazing and inspiring track is a must listen for any music lover. With its message and captivating melody, “El Amado Viene” is an addition to any playlist. Whether you want to download the mp3 watch the video or sing along with the lyrics, “El Amado Viene” is undeniably a song that will deeply touch the hearts of everyone who encounters it.
Get the MP3 audio, download, stream, and share this amazing song with your friends and family. When you share it, you’re spreading the goodness and joy of the song. #CeeNaija
Download More MONTESANTO Songs Here
Lyrics: El Amado Viene by Montesanto
Hay un sonido en el cielo
Algo se está preparando
Ángeles y querubines
Sus arpas están tocando
Y su iglesia dice: viene, viene
El amado viene viene viene
Cielo y tierra nueva veremos
Donde ya no habrá más llanto
Al padre adoraremos
Junto con todos los santos
Y su iglesia dice viene viene
El amado viene viene viene
Quien es la que sube del desierto
Recostada sobre su amado
Esta es la esposa del cordero
Que vuelve a los brazos de su amado
Se acerca el momento
Señales lo muestran
Oh aleluya
Con voz de trompeta
Se anuncia que ya vendrá
Mi Yeshua