Download Different Mp3 by MOSAIC MSC
Here’s a song by the renowned and prolific music artist and talented singer “MOSAIC MSC“. This song is titled “Different”, as it was released alongside its lyrics video.
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Lyrics: Different by MOSAIC MSC
There is a love I’ve found
How do I explain it?
People will come and go
But You’re different
You’re different
Look what He’s done with me
You wouldn’t believe it
I used to be dead inside
I’m different
I’m not who I was
All because of how You love me
Holy, Worthy, even in my weakness
You are faithful, Able
Even when I’m lost
You prove that
Nothing compares to You
Nothing compares to You
I’m different now,
You saw me drowning, and You pulled me out
I’m different now,
my tomb is open, and I’m running out
I’m different now,
the walls of my heart
Have come crumbling down
I’m different now
I’m not who I was
all because of how You love me
Holy, Worthy, even in my weakness
You are faithful, Able
Even when I’m lost
You prove that
Nothing compares to You
Nothing compares to You
You took my sin
And traded me life
Buried my shame
Ended my night
No one who knows me
Could ever deny
They find me dancing
Where I used to hide
My chains are broken
My heart is on fire
This is a soul when it’s fully alive