Top Christian Songs MOSAIC MSC – Unexpected Roads

MOSAIC MSC – Unexpected Roads

Mosaic MSC Unexpected Roads

Download Unexpected Roads Mp3 by MOSAIC MSC

Here’s a song by the renowned and prolific music artist and talented singer “MOSAIC MSC“. This song is titled “Unexpected Roads”, as it was released alongside its lyrics video.

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Lyrics: Unexpected Roads by MOSAIC MSC

Oh, isn’t it amazing
Your imagination
Your beautiful mind

Oh, I never see it coming
The future you’re creating
Always surprised

When I thought my biggest dreams impossible
You have proved me wrong every time
When I confess the deepest prayer within my soul
You just pull me closer

Lead me down unexpected roads
I don’t know where I’m going
I know I can rely on you
I will stand here in the middle of the journey
Ready for what’s coming
As long as I’m with you

Oh, isn’t it amazing
That nothing’s ever wasted
In your eyes

It’s a celebration
That you came to give me purpose

Lead me down unexpected roads
I don’t know where I’m going
I know I can rely on you
I will stand here in the middle of the journey
Ready for what’s coming
As long as I’m with you

You’re my commander
I bind myself to you
I want to be with you
Can’t do this without you

You’re my companion
You are the life I choose
I want to be with you

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