Download Where Would I Be Without You Mp3 by MOSAIC MSC
Here’s a song by the renowned and prolific music artist and talented singer “MOSAIC MSC“. This song is titled “Where Would I Be Without You”, as it was released alongside its lyrics video.
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Lyrics: Where Would I Be Without You by MOSAIC MSC
“Matter” Lyrics:
You are so giving
Constant with grace
All I can do is praise you
Praise you with thanks
You are so loyal
You stand by my side
All I can do is trust you
With all of my life
I’m only static
Without you
Without you
I’m empty matter
Without you
Without you
And it all starts
And it all starts with you
And it all starts
And it all starts with you
You are so brilliant
You’re one of a kind
All I can do is love you
All of my life
I was lost in space
Drifting out to the darkness
Feet won’t touch the ground
You are the gravity
That pulled me out of the shadows
Here it all begins
And now that you found me
I know you’ll love me to the end
“Rescue” Lyrics:
Where would I be without your love
How I would get through all this stuff without you
I guess I will never have to know
How it would feel to walk alone
I have you
I have run to the end
Time and again
Come to the end of myself
I have come to the end
Time and again
But you show up every time
You are the rescue I’ve always needed
You never leave me on my own
For all that I am
You’ll come back again
You wouldn’t leave me
Not for a minute
You shoulder my weakness over again
For all that I am
You’d choose me again
Who would I be without your love
I have a past
But still you want me
And all of the things I used to know
Don’t even compare, they don’t come close
To knowing you