Top Christian Songs Mr M & Revelation – Warfare Praise

Mr M & Revelation – Warfare Praise

Mr M Revelation Warfare Praise

Download Warfare Praise Mp3 by Mr. M & Revelation

Nigerian Christian/Gospel Artiste releases a new single which he titles โ€œWarfare Praiseโ€. It will surely uplift your spirit.

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Lyrics: Warfare Praise by Mr. M & Revelation



  1. Amaram n’onye nchem no nso (I know my Protector is near/around)
    Amaram n’orapughim aka (I know He’s never let go of me)
    Amara mgbe o ga-ebido oru (I know when He will start His work)
    Elu uwa ga-amara n’onye nchem di ike(The world will know that my Protector is powerful/mighty)

    Nekwa nwa aturu Chineke (behold the Lamb of God) x2
    mbulite Ya elu (when I lift Him high)
    Ekwensu hu Ya ogbalaga (The devil will flee when it sees Him)

    Nekwanu Nwa Aturu Chineke, onye ji obara Ya we sachapu njo anyi (behold the Lamb of God who washed away our sins by His blood)
    ima mbulite Ya elu(do you know when i lift Him high)
    Ekwensu hu Ya ogbalaga (The devil will flee when it sees Him)
    ima mbulite Ya elu, nria-nria hu Ya ogbalaga (do you know when i lift Him high, sickness flees when it sees Him)
    ima mbulite Ya elu, amughi nwa hu Ya ogbalaga (do you know when i lift Him high, barrenness flees when it sees Him)
    mbulie Ya elu, ima mbulie Ya elu
    If I be lifted up, I will draw all men to Myself, saith the LORD
    Ya mere e buliem Gi elu, nria-nria nile ogbalaga (therefore i lift you high, all sickness flee)
    E buliem Gi elu, amughi nwa nile ogbalaga (therefore i lift you high, all barrenness flee
    Mbulie gi elu, Ebuliem gi elu, Ebuliem!……(x10)
    (Otu aku n’eru mba – the hand that reaches nations) Ebuliem (x2)
    (Otumokpo ndi nso – the charm of the saints) – Ebuliem (x2)
    (Onoro ihe noro ihe noro enyi – Who swallowed what swallowed what swallowed an Elephant ) – Ebuliem gi
    ga-ga n’ogwu (Walking thru thorns unscathed) – Ebuliem (x2)
    Echeta echezo mkpa ( when You are remembered, all worries are forgetten) – Ebuliem (x2)
    Odogwu akataka – (intimidating Warrior) – Ebuliem (x2)
    Oma mma mma di na-aru (The beauty who is beautifully adorned) – Ebuliem (x2)
    Oke mmiri na-ebu ogwe (The Mighty water that clears mighty logs/timbers) – Ebuliem (x2)
    Oke mmiri na-eru na nkoro ya (The Mighty water that flows in its path)
    Oke mmiri (x7)
    Onoro ihe..-Ebuliem (x2)
    Oke mmiri na-ebu ogwe – Ebuliem (x2)
    Elu uwa nile na-edere du n’okwu onu ya (The whole world stills at His voice) – Ebuliem (x2)
    Onye okwu onu ya kere uwa (He whose word created the world) – Ebuliem (x2)
    Onye okwu onu ya na-atughari onodu (He whose word changes situations)- Ebuliem (x2)
    Onye okwu onu na-akagbu ihe ekwuru ekwu (He whose word cancels what has been spoken) – Ebuliem (x2)
    Onye okwu onu na-eme mmadu oburu ogaranya (He whose word makes one wealthy) – Ebuliem gi (x2)
    Everywhere you are, lift Him higher, lift Him higher
    In your office, lift Him higher
    In your job, lift Him higher
    In your home, lift Him higher
    Anyi ebulie gi, anyi ebulie gi, anyi ebulie gi (we lift you high)
    Ebuliem gi elu, enweghi ego nile ogbalaga(when i lift Him high, all lack will flee)
    Ebuliem gi elu, anughi di nile ogbalaga(when i lift Him high, all absence of husband will flee)
    Ebuliem gi elu, amaghi ihe nile ogbalaga(when i lift Him high, all lack of wisdom will flee)
    Ebuliem gi elu, uzo nile emechiri emechi meghe(when i lift Him high, all locked doors open!)

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