Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs Murata – Jabidii & Phylis Mbuthia

Murata – Jabidii & Phylis Mbuthia

Download Murata Mp3 by Jabidii & Phylis Mbuthia

Here’s a song from the well-known renowned Kenyan Christian music artist and prolific singer “JABIDII”, as it features Phylis Mbuthia. This song is titled “Murata“.

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Lyrics of “Murata” by Jabidii

Eh I go by the name Jabidii, Power!

Ni murata wakwa, murata uyu
Ngwenda ndimugane kuri thii yothe niguo mumenye
Tondu thiari wake na muthingi
Ni sheshetumire nie makuke

Murata uyu, murata uyu
Wakuire kieha giakwa akijenjaniria na gekeno
Murata uyu, murata uyu
Wakuire kieha giakwa akijenjaniria na gekeno

You see this man
You see this man eeh
Nilihukumiwa kifo akanitoa huko
He gave me another chance

You see this man
This friend of mine
Nilihukumiwa kifo akanitoa huko
He gave me another chance

Ye ndio kiongozi wangu
Sitakosa kitu, sitaomba mtu
You see this man
He took the key from the devil

Amenitoa chini he put me on anothe level
Now me cannot be defeated by the devil
Usinione hivo me got power over evil
To him Iโ€™m not a stranger

Jesus knows me by me name
Ever since I met him things are not the same
John 15, Iโ€™m not a slave He calls me friend
Deni zangu alilipa msalabani, He spend

Ameondoa trace amenipa raha moyoni
Mimi nafurahia uwepo wake
Ameniita mwana wake akanipigania
Huyu rafiki murata wakwa wee

Murata uyu, murata uyu
Wakuire kieha giakwa akijenjaniria na gekeno
Murata uyu, murata uyu
Wakuire kieha giakwa akijenjaniria na gekeno

You see this man
You see this man eeh
Nilihukumiwa kifo akanitoa huko
He gave me another chance

You see this man
This friend of mine
Nilihukumiwa kifo akanitoa huko
He gave me another chance

Ni Yesu, ni Yesu
Ni Yesu, ni Yesu
Ni Yesu, ni Yesu
Ni Yesu, ni Yesu

Niwe warihire thire
Ukijenjaniria kihia, ukihe gikeno ee
Eeh Jehovah Shammah

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