Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs Jesus Culture – In The River Ft. Kim Walker

Jesus Culture – In The River Ft. Kim Walker

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This great song of praise worship features “Kim Walker-Smith”, Jesus Culture is an American international Christian revivalist youth outreach ministry that was formed at the Bethel Church of Redding, California

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Lyrics: In the River by

There is a river where goodness flows
There is a fountain that drowns sorrows
There is an ocean deeper than fear
The tide is rising, rising

There is a current stirring deep inside
It’s overflowing from the heart of God
The flood of heaven crashing over us
The tide is rising, rising

Bursting, bursting
Up from the ground
We feel it now
Bursting, bursting
Up from the ground
We feel it now

We come alive in the river
We come alive in the river
We come alive in the river
We come alive in the river

There is a current stirring deep inside
It’s overflowing from the heart of God
The flood of heaven crashing over us
The tide is rising, rising

Bursting, bursting
Up from the ground
We feel it now
Bursting, bursting
Up from the ground
We feel it now

We come alive in the river
We come alive in the river
We come alive in the river
We come alive in the river

Break open prison doors
Set all the
Captives free
Spring up a well, spring up a well
Spring up a well in me

Nothing can stop this joy
We’re dancing in the streets
Spring up a well, spring up a well
Spring up a well in me

We come alive in the river
We come alive in the river
We come alive in the river
We come alive in the river

Spring up a well, spring up a well
Spring up a well, spring up a well
Spring up a well in me

We come alive in the river
We come alive in the river
We come alive in the river
We come alive in the river

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