Christian HYMNS My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less (Mp3 & lyrics) Hymn

My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less (Mp3 & lyrics) Hymn

My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less Mp3 lyrics Hymn

Download My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less Mp3 Hymn by Edward Mote

Here’s a Hymn by the well-known prolific hymn writer โ€œEdward Moteโ€œ, as this Hymn has been a blessing to lots of lives since it was brought to the world.

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Lyrics: My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less by Edward Mote

1 My hope is built on nothing less
than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand:
all other ground is sinking sand;
all other ground is sinking sand.

2 When darkness veils his lovely face,
I rest on his unchanging grace;
in every high and stormy gale,
my anchor holds within the veil. [Refrain]

3 His oath, his covenant, his blood,
support me in the whelming flood;
when all around my soul gives way,
he then is all my hope and stay. [Refrain]

4 When he shall come with trumpet sound,
O may I then in him be found:
dressed in his righteousness alone,
faultless to stand before the throne. [Refrain]


  1. I’m in love with hyms
    This would be good for Sunday school practices
    They sound peace and hope for the future โค๐Ÿ˜


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