Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs Naomi Raine – GoodBye (Car Chat)

Naomi Raine – GoodBye (Car Chat)

Naomi Raine GoodBye Car Chat

Download GoodBye (Car Chat) Mp3 by Naomi Raine

A powerful praise worship song from the American Christian music minister and vocalist, whose songs have been a blessing. Naomi Raine calls this song โ€œGoodBye (Car Chat)โ€. This is a song from her latest 2022 album called โ€œJOURNEYโ€œ. Naomi is on a mission to spread the love of God through song. Singing since the age of four, and songwriting since the age of seven

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Lyrics: GoodBye (Car Chat) by Naomi Raine

So that word “goodbye” is actually a contraction
It means “God be with you”
Um, and my relationship with goodbyes is very interesting
In that I never really said it, I would just leave
And I had to learn that sometimes you have to actually face the relationship that you’re ending
End it, but wish them well
Like, “I pray that God would be with you while we are apart”
And so it’s not such a bad thing, it’s a well wish
But you recognize, in order for me to grow
This may have to end

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