Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs Naomi Raine – Where The Heart Is (Car Chat)

Naomi Raine – Where The Heart Is (Car Chat)

Naomi Raine Where The Heart Is Car Chat

Download Where The Heart Is (Car Chat) Mp3 by Naomi Raine

A powerful praise worship song from the American Christian music minister and vocalist, whose songs have been a blessing. Naomi Raine calls this song โ€œWhere The Heart Is (Car Chat)“. This is a song from her latest 2022 album called โ€œJOURNEYโ€œ. Naomi is on a mission to spread the love of God through song. Singing since the age of four, and songwriting since the age of seven

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Lyrics: Where The Heart Is (Car Chat) by Naomi Raine

I’ve always heard people say, “Home is where the heart is,” and
That’s always been really beautiful to me
But I think the older I get, I started to realize that I didn’t really know where my heart was
What did I really love? What did I really care about?
And for somebody like me, it was easy to just do what I was supposed to do
And not really pay attention to where my heart really was
So, I never felt like I was at home

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