Download What A Friend We Have in Jesus Mp3 by Newsboys
Here’s a song from the American contemporary gospel rock band from Australia, as they bring to us this top-notch song and titled this song “What A Friend We Have in Jesus”, an inspirational song from Newsboys.
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Lyrics: What A Friend We Have in Jesus by Newsboys
What a friend we have in Jesus,
all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
all because we do not carry
everything to God in prayer.
Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful
who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
What a friend we have in Jesus