Gospel Music Nkabinde Brothers – Go And Tell

Nkabinde Brothers – Go And Tell

Download Go And Tell Mp3 by Nkabinde Brothers

The well-known South African Christian Gospel Musicians, songwriters and the youngest artists to ever record a live DVD in Africa at the age of 10 and 12 “Nkabinde Brothers“, births out this powerful song as they calls this one “Go And Tell”. Let this song serve as a blessing to you and your families today.

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Lyrics: Go And Tell by Nkabinde Brothers

Just go and tell and tell the devil
Yes I have changed my mind
Just go and tell the devil that he will use me no more…
I said just go and tell (ngithi hambo mtshela usathane mina sengi
Shintshile ngithi sengishitshile sengihamba noJesu
Hambo mtshela,, hambomtshela usathane angeke angisebenzise.)

Uthembisile izulu no mhlaba wangithembisa
Impumelelo kodwa namhlanje udlalile ngam sekuphelile ngawe …
Ungthembisile hhay izulu nomhlaba wangithembisa .
Wangithembisa impumelelo kodwa
Namhlanje udlalile ngam sekuphelile ngawe

Wafika Ku Jesu esentabeni
Wathi zilahlele…
Zilahlele phantsi izingelosi zizokubamba akavumanga u Jesu.
Just go and tell and tell the devil
I have changed my mind
Just go and tell the devil he will use me no more…
He has to pay it seven times
He has to pay not by peace
He has to pay just by force coz he will use me no more

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