Christian HYMNS Now All The Woods Are Sleeping (Mp3 & Lyrics) – Hymn

Now All The Woods Are Sleeping (Mp3 & Lyrics) – Hymn

Download Now All The Woods Are Sleeping Mp3 Hymn by Christianย Hymns

Here’s a beautiful Hymn by the well-known prolific hymn writer, as this Hymn has been a blessing to lots of lives since it was brought to the world. The hymn song was performed by Hymns Channel.

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Lyrics: Now All The Woods Are Sleeping ()

1 Now all the woods are sleeping,
And night and stillness creeping
O’er city, man, and beast;
But thou, my heart, awake thee,
To pray’r awhile betake thee,
And praise thy Maker ere thou rest.

2 O sun! where art thou vanished?
The night thy light hath banished–
The ancient foe, the night;
God then for now appeareth
Another Sun, and cheereth
My heart–’tis Jesus Christ, my Light!

3 The last faint beam is going,
The golden stars are glowing
In yonder dark-blue deep;
Such is the glory given,
When called of God to heaven,
On earth no more we pine and weep.

4 To rest the body hasteth,
Itself of clothes divesteth,
Type of mortality!
I’ll put it off, and o’er me
Christ throw the robe of glory,
And blissful immortality!

5 Head, hands, and feet so tired
Are glad the day’s expired,
That work comes to an end;
My heart, be filled with gladness
That God from all earth’s sadness,
And from sin’s toil relief will send.

6 Ye aching limbs! now rest you,
For toil hath sore oppressed you,
Lie down, my weary head;
A sleep shall once o’ertake you
From which earth ne’er shall wake you,
Within a cold and narrow bed.

7 Mine eyes scarce ope are keeping,
A moment, I’ll be sleeping,
Soul, body,–fare ye well!
In grace Thy care then make them
May evil ne’er o’ertake them,
Thou Eye and Ward of Israel.

8 O Jesus, be my Cover!
And both Thy wings spread over
Thy child, and shield Thou me!
Though Satan would devour me,
Let angels ever o’er me
Sing, “This child shall uninjured be!”

9 My loved ones, rest securely,–
From every evil surely
Our God will guard your heads;
And happy slumbers send you,
And bid His hosts attend you,
And golden-armed watch o’er your beds.

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